There is so much to write about these days!  I am swimming in a headspace of new knowledge, farming-science and stories anxiously awaiting their turn to be written down before long forgotten. They know I go to bed early these days. However, mostly tonight, what is on the forefront of my mind is a yearning for a hot bath.  I smell like goat (more on the new baby goats soon!) and my lower back aches from weeding strawberries and raspberries all week. Rows and rows and rows of berries.  Rows and rows of weeding and pruning and next mulching. I guess that’s what you get when you decide to live on an organic berry farm. Did I mention I’ve been weeding a lot this week and my lower back hurts? I am stiff and in pain, even with yoga. Although the yoga helps. Some. So, I want to ask you a teeny tiny favor…the next time you’re in the grocery store or at the farm stand and you think…”my goodness, those organic raspberries are just way too expensive…” (believe me I’ve been there), I want you to think of me. And my back. And the blister on my right pinky toe (ok, maybe not the toe).  And after you think of me and my pain and the back pain of all the organic farmers around the world with no health insurance…  I want you to buy those ORGANIC berries and I want you to feel good that you did the right thing. You might also pick up the phone and call me to let me know that all this back pain is worth it because you bought the most gorgeous pint of organic berries from your local farmer and you don’t care that they’re more expensive because you now understand you are paying to help small farmer’s backs! Whew! And thank you.

Really, my whole point is that the thing I want most at this moment– is a hot bath. Of course, that isn’t possible since we don’t have a bathroom let alone a bathtub but…it’s all worth it when I remember you are going to buy those organic berries next time and call me. Don’t forget to call me. Maybe I didn’t emphasize enough the part about you calling to tell me that you bought the organic berries?

You can probably guess from this entry, if you’ve continued this far, bless you, that I’m tired, sore, and just a little tickled with goofy this evening which is why I’m going to leave you with some photos. No stories tonight.  Just some farm compositions, if you will. Besides, Jim is in the kitchen cabin preparing a Farm Feast with chicken, potatoes, onions, and garlic -all from the farm- which will be accompanied by his own, yes his very own, Cider! And it’s delicious. Who knows, maybe we’ll even pull out some frozen farm berries for dessert.  If I can’t get a hot bath at least I get a frozen berry…? But that frozen berry will fill me with excitement and hope for the coming harvest. And soon, all this back pain will be worth it. Because of you. And the berries-to-come.

Without further adieu…here are some photos that tell their own stories.


Above: Me. In my bogs.

Above: The  poulets. Laying hens. You can buy their eggs here.


jim collects eggs. sunset.



Above: This beautiful blue-green egg is from the Araucana breed which originated in Chile. Araucanas are gorgeous. Learn more about them here. They are quite shy, at least with me. I haven’t felt comfortable trying to capture them on camera. We’re still building trust in the relationship. But soon. I hope.


Below: The laying nests in the chicken coops. + egg bucket.


Above: Freshly cut peach blossoms growing in the green house.



The new baby chicks arrived this week!


There’s a lot of new life on the farm these days. But the goats have won my heart. This 12×12 could get even smaller if I allow a herd of goats in.

Above: Jim with the new boys…Ziggy, Stevie, Mr.Ma Rainey and Wolfy.


Below: The Baby Chicks arrive fresh from the post-office. Wild, eh?!


Above: Raspberries. The horizontal and/or circular rotation we create helps promote plant hormones that produce lateral fruit growth. Our work with the raspberries also reminds me of Andy Goldsworthy sculptures.

Above: Isn’t this beautiful? I couldn’t have set-it up more perfectly. A farm-space “working” installation.

Above: A Hen finds solace from the flock.


Ever more, I find myself stirring peacefully through the fields at the end of a long day.